Greetings YEI members!
Welcome to many new YEI members! This is Issue 242 of the fortnightly YEI newsletter! You are most welcome to catch up with what you’ve missed in the last while, so best grab a cup of coffee and then head on over to the YEI newsletter archive, and enjoy!
Let’s dive into this issue’s highlights
- YEI was invited by Consumer journalist, Wendy Knowler on to her show with Pippa Hudson of Cape Talk, the topic being senior discounts. You can catch up with that very interesting podcast here. We would love to hear about pensioner discounts that you have encountered in the last few weeks. Do share them in the comments section below or email us on
- We are discussing some important topics in this issue – senior homesharing has become a hot topic of late given the shortage of pensioner accommodation. We are delving into the pros and cons from both sides – this issue covers the perspective of the landlord, the next issue will cover the perspective from the tenant. We are so privileged and honoured to get the legal perspective on this topic, so why not dive in straight away. Here we go….. here is the link to the article.
- Another important topic brought to our attention by a YEI member is that of Gray Divorce. Such a huge topic that we have had to divide this into four articles! Today, we feature the first of the articles – have a look here. the next three YEI newsletter issues will delve into different areas, including the perspectives from the legal side and from a Counsellor. Watch this space.
- Once again, YEI has compiled, with the assistance of the DA (Democratic Alliance) a handy guide and all you need to know about voting in the SA General Election. Take a look here.
- The fifth interview in our YEI Retiree Reflections video series was an absolutely delightful, insightful and warm interview with a retired power couple who are both renowned, distinguished academics. If you want to know how to handle a tumultuous health event in your life, you need to listen to this! We also talk about ageing and longevity with the Queen of Ageing and Longevity in this country and discuss the couple’s thoughts on retirement. Definitely worth a listen! Click here.
- Other articles include YEI’s ever-popular regular column on Pensioner Deals and Discounts and give you a little look-see into YEI’s Top 15 articles and pensioner discounts in April 2024.
Are you a former SADF / SANDF, SAP / SAPS / SARP
or South African Prison Services member?
Why not join SAMVOZA and complete the registration form for membership to their global organisation (there are no membership / registration fees, or any ongoing fees)
Click here for further information
Join the YEI Community:
Do your 60-plus family and friends belong to the YEI community? They can join for FREE and enjoy great, relevant, on-point, informative articles and 60-plus/pensioner discounts, deals, offers, savings and benefits. Send this link to your friends and family and let them too enjoy the benefits of the longest-running digital media platform for South African 60-plussers.
YEI Competitions
Watch our for the next YEI competition! YEI competitions are very popular, they can be found on the WIN with YEI page on the YEI website, the YEI newsletter, the YEI Facebook page and the YEI WhatsApp groups. You can see all the lucky winners of YEI competitions on this link. Click here
YEI Guide to the South African 60-plus consumer
Don’t forget to have a read of the fascinating YEI Guide to the SA 60-plus consumer. It makes for very interesting reading with results emanating from YEI members who responded to the YEI Survey Series last year. Since then, we keep talking about how important SA 60-plussers are, and slowly marketers are starting to take note. Do share this document far and wide!
Click here to read some of the outcome of YEI getting this news out there.
A request from the YEI Editor
You know the drill by now! Engagement, engagement, engagement! The ticket to YEI’s sustainability.
We ask that you regularly engage with posts on the YEI website, newsletter, and Facebook page. Please comment, enquire, book, recommend, like, love, share with your friends and family – on all the articles, services, products and offers that YEI clients offer you.
One of the challenges that YEI faces is the Facebook algorithms which only allow a very small proportion of our YEI members to see the content.
So please, please – make it your mission to engage when you see the YEI newsletter or see a Facebook post. This will support YEI hugely and it takes a moment of your time, it doesn’t cost you anything and it’s quick and simple. Just one like or love or comment makes a huge difference to YEI. Tag your friends on posts that you think they may enjoy or will interest them. We know you love it, because you tell us – but you need to show you love it or like it!
Thank you all for your support over the years. And remember, comment, share, tag, like, love
YEI Book reviews
Check up on the latest book reviews here. Click here to find out more.
The World of Seniors – news and views from around the world
Interesting news items and articles from around the World and South Africa especially for our YEI senior audience. Click here to find out more.
Join a YEI WhatsApp Group!
Have you signed up with one of the YEI WhatsApp groups? We highly recommend that you do this in order to be one of the first to hear about hot-off-the-press YEI offerings, news, views and fabulous articles specifically geared at SA 60-plussers. If you would like to join one of the YEI WhatsApp Groups – all you need to do is to click here and then select the province that best suits your needs.
For further information, please click here.
That’s all for now, folks!
Keep well, keep happy! Until the next time…
Sending good wishes to you all
The YEI Team
Kind regards,
The YEI Team