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You’ve Earned It ran a Travel survey in June 2023.
The results gave YEI valuable insights 


340 60-plussers from all 9 Provinces responded to the Travel Survey
with the biggest sample from the age group 61 to 70
All respondents who completed the survey stood a chance to WIN a grocery voucher.

We are very glad to announce that Luftia G from Cape Town
won a shopping voucher, compliments of JustSA.

Happy shopping Luftia!


The survey revealed the following:


What south african seniors think about travel


  • 83% or respondents said that they are planning to take a local holiday in the next two years with Rest and Relaxation being the top reason for the planned holiday.
  • The biggest reason for not travelling locally was financial constraints, while 10% said that they would not be travelling locally because they have responsibilities at home that prohibit travel.
  • 52% of those surveyed indicated that they were planning an overseas trip in the next 2 years with the top 2 reasons for travelling overseas being visting family as well as rest and relaxation.
  • 66% said that they were looking to take out additional travel insurance.
  • The Top 3 planned overseas destinations were:

top 3 overseas destinations for seniors in South africa

  • Of those that do not have an overseas trip planned, 60% said that the reason they were not travelling was financial constraints.

pensioners flying on holiday


  • 60-plussers chose wildlife and nature, beach breaks and road trips as their top three holiday destinations.  60-plussers also agreed that a 2 week period is their preferred duration.


Places that S.A pensioners want to visit

  • 45% of 60-plussers agreed that they did have a favourite holiday spot to visit annually.  7% said that they regularly stayed at their family holiday home.
  • 55% of respondents said that they would not use a Travel agent to book their holiday and 32% were undecided on this.
  • 48% said that they regularly check the YEI website directory for local travel deals for pensioners.  A further 15% said that they check the YEI Facebook page, Whatsapp groups and Newsletters for pensioner deals.


pensioners checking out travel deals on youve earned it


  • 64 of the respondents said that they did not think that travel related businesses (Tour operators, restaurants and accommodation) did enough to accommodate the Single senior.
  • 83% said that pet-friendly accommodation was of no interest to them.  17% of respondents would like businesses to cater more for their pets.


pensioner and pet on holiday


  • These are the Top 6 factors that pensioners consider when planning their holidays:

Factors that pensioners consider when booking a holiday


Further comments from our readers:

Encourage solo travel, not penalise it

Restaurants should not sit a single senior at a secluded corner as if they are hiding you.


The reality for many pensioners is echoed in the following statements:


Road trips are an adventure and an opportunity to learn and experience new things. The great outdoors provides this, but unfortunately not always possible due to affordability.


South African accommodation establishments can learn from Namibia regarding discounted rates for locals in the SADC region. That encourages locals to travel.


Thanks for all the information I receive on the WhatsApp group. GOD bless


This was a very interesting survey with the results giving us good insight into the South African seniors’ requirements when it comes to travel.

Have a look at the results of several other surveys that we have run over the course of 2023 and keep an eye out for the rest of our series.

Thank you once again to JustSA for sponsoring this series. 


The Technology survey is currently running for the month of July 2023 and can be found here.


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE : What SA 60-plussers have to say about Shopping


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: What South African seniors think about Retirement homes and downsizing


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: Financial wellbeing: What is important to you in retirement and what can you do about it?


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: An insight into certain lifestyle aspects of South African over-60s


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: An insight into the Financial Planning of S.A seniors


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: An insight into the Health and Wellness of South African Seniors


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  • Robert Watson says:

    My suggestion on surveys is to add “other” to the list of optional answers with a comment block. On one of the surveys, I had to select an answer before allowing me to continue. There was no appropriate answer for me so had to give a wrong answer to continue.

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