You’ve Earned It ran an Employment and Entrepreneurship
survey in August 2023.
The insights were interesting and valuable.
All respondents who completed the survey stood a chance to WIN a grocery voucher.
We are very glad to announce that Andi Askew
won a shopping voucher, compliments of JustSA.
Happy shopping Andi!
The survey revealed the following:
- 75 % of those surveyed said that temporary, part-time or job-share employment was of interest to them
- Respondents interested in employment advised that their skills fell into the following fields:
- Business & Management
- Finance & Accounting
- Education & Training
- Marketing & Sales
- Tourism
- The top 5 reasons cited by 55-plussers, wanting to work, are as follows:
- The majority of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that “There is perceived ageism in the workplace”. 28% neither agreed nor disagreed.
- 83% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement “I bring value to a job despite my age” with only 10% disagreeing.
- Almost half of respondents agreed with the statement “Age discrimination is a reason I have been rejected for a job” while half of respondents had not found this to be an issue.
- A third of respondents agreed that they need to be more tech-savvy to apply for a position in their area of expertise” while 30% neither agreed or disagreed. 17% strongly disagreed and 11% strongly agreed.
- 68% agreed that they would be prepared to upskill themselves to stay relevant in the workforce.
- 52% of respondents stated that they would not like to start their own business pre or post-retirement while the remaining 48% said they would.
- Of the 48% who said they would like to start their own business, these were the top 5 reasons why:
- 57% said that they would be prepared to learn new skills which may be needed to run their own business
- An overwhelming 91% or respondents said they would like to see more articles on YEI regarding employment and entrepreneurship, specifically geared at 55-plussers
Further comments from our readers:
Its refreshing to know YE is advancing this cause on behalf of older people.
I like the proactive way you are empowering us seniors. Thank you
This is a great survey. If 60 plussers want to be fully employed, there should be opportunities. I think South Africa is slowly getting there.
The more knowledgeable and experienced a candidate, the less time and expense for the employer to carry out on the job training and this improves your employability.
The reality though for many pensioners is echoed in the following statements:
With the cost of living, I cannot live comfortably on my SASSA social grant and need to supplement my income.
This survey has given YEI very interesting insights into South African seniors’ thoughts on employment and entrepreneurship.
Have a look at the results of several other surveys that we have run over the course of 2023 and keep an eye out for the rest of our series.
Thank you once again to JustSA for sponsoring this series.
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: What SA 60-plussers have to say about Travel
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE : What SA 60-plussers have to say about Shopping
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: What South African seniors think about Retirement homes and downsizing
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: Financial wellbeing: What is important to you in retirement and what can you do about it?
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: An insight into certain lifestyle aspects of South African over-60s
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: An insight into the Financial Planning of S.A seniors
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE: An insight into the Health and Wellness of South African Seniors