As you may recall, you signed up for the fortnightly You’ve Earned It/YEI newsletter some time ago. There is no cost attached to receiving the YEI newsletter.
The YEI newsletter brings you informative and relevant articles specifically geared at South African 60-plussers, plus has a major focus on senior discounts, savings and benefits.
YEI is busy updating its records. We would be very grateful if could complete the form below, in order to update your information so that you can continue to receive the fabulous YEI newsletter.
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Please Note The Following:
- Your personal data is collected and stored purely for YEI purposes i.e. to ensure that the free fortnightly newsletter can be sent to you
- YEI takes your privacy very seriously and will never disclose, share or sell your data to any third party, unless required to do so by law.
YEI articles:
Wishing Yei a very happy 10th anniversary and many more. The best is yet to come. Best wishes
Hello James
Many thanks for the lovely message. Much appreciated!
Warm regards
The YEI Team