Seasons Greetings to all YEI members
The YEI Team wishes you all well over the festive season. We feel as though we have been running a race this year, and can’t wait to take a little time out to chill and enjoy all of the festivities. This is YEI’s last newsletter for 2023. We thank you all for your support during 2023 – we will be back in January 2024, ready and raring to go. We do ask that you engage with YEI and YEI members in conversation on the various platforms – the website, newsletter articles, and the YEI Facebook page. This adds a level of richness to the conversation which is encouraging and helpful to the YEI community.
In the meantime, stay safe and well, be good, be kind. If you know of others who are alone this Christmas, invite them to join your festivities.
We wish you all the best for a wonderful and blessed 2024
With all good wishes – from the YEI Team
YEI Book reviews
Have a look at the lovely new books we reviewed in the later part of 2023, these include books written by Bonnie Tyler and Joan Collins as well as books on tracking animals, spiders, moths and several children’s book in both English and Afrikaans.
The World of Seniors – news and views from around the world
Interesting news items and articles from around the World and South Africa especially for our YEI senior audience
YEI Winners
Take a look at the latest Winners of YEI competitions!
Join a YEI WhatsApp Group!
Have you signed up with one of the YEI WhatsApp groups? No? Horrors!! We highly recommend that you do this in order to be one of the first to hear about hot-off-the-press YEI offerings, news, views and fabulous articles specifically geared at SA 60-plussers. If you would like to join one of the YEI WhatsApp Groups – all you need to do is to click here and then select the province that best suits your needs.
Ask your friends and family to sign up for the YEI newsletter
We would love to grow the community and invite you to discuss with friends who will benefit. Share this link to join
During December and January, we would love you to ask your friends and family to sign up for the YEI Newsletter. As you know, You’ve Earned It/YEI, is the digital media platform for SA 60-plussers. The YEI platform consists of the website, fortnightly newsletters , YEI WhatsApp Groups and the YEI Facebook page. Expect to find on-point, relevant and interesting articles geared at 60-plussers, plus a YEI Directory full of pensioner discounts, savings and benefits. Sign up now to receive the FREE fortnightly newsletter. We look forward to seeing your friends and family join the YEI community!
The link to sign up for the YEI newsletter is: