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#Support Pensioners.

Close to 60 pensioners have registered
their small home-run businesses
at no cost in YEI’s Directory


support pensioners 1200


Seniorpreneurs are alive and well in South Africa!  We have always known that SA pensioners are notoriously resourceful, and this has become very obvious with the huge variety of seniorpreneurs that are signing up for You’ve Earned It’s free listing platform, specifically for pensioners who have home-run businesses. 

For starters, we have handymen, tour guides, publishers, knife makers, house and pet sitters, carers for the elderly, and so many more.  There is a wealth of experience, skills and knowledge in this group, and we have no doubt that this list will grow exponentially over time. 

#Supportpensioners will regularly be marketed across the You’ve Earned It/YEI platform (website, newsletters and Facebook page).

If you are a pensioner who has a home-run business, and who would like to sign up on this free listing platform, registration on the #SupportPensioners page is free and as simple as completing a short form.

YEI would like to encourage you to support your fellow pensioners where you can –  you are bound to find a service in this group that will be useful to you.


Become a Member now

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