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President Cyril Ramaphosa has confirmed
a five-phased approach with regard to Lockdown.

Going into Level 4 has a direct impact on SA seniors




The bottom line is that the elderly, and those with underlying conditions, must remain at home and take additional precautions to isolate themselves.



UPDATE:  20 May 2020


The whole country has been on Level 4 lockdown for 26 days, and the full lockdown for a full 54 days.  In recent days, we have seen a relaxing of a few of the Level 4 lockdown regulations. As regulations change, we will endeavour to keep our readers updated.

What  Level 4 means:

  •  Live-in staff, and staff providing care to the sick, mentally ill, elderly, people with disabilities and children may begin work
  • Borders will remain closed to international travel, except for the repatriation of South African nationals and foreign citizens.
  • No travel will be allowed between provinces, except for the transportation of goods and exceptional circumstances such as funerals.
  •  A travel window has been announced to allow for a once off move to new places or residence and businesses are also allowed to make a once off move with the relevant permits. 
  • All gatherings, apart from funerals and for work, will remain prohibited.
  • Some businesses will be allowed to resume operations under specific conditions. 
  • The public is encouraged to stay at home, other than for essential personal movement, doing essential work and work in sectors that are under controlled openings.
  • The elderly, and those with underlying conditions, must remain at home and take additional precautions to isolate themselves.
  • Wearing of cloth masks is mandatory when moving outside of the house.
  • People can exercise from 6am to 9am every day under strict public health conditions. 
  • The sale of cigarettes and alcohol will not be permitted.
  • Public transportation will continue to operate, with limitations on the number of passengers and stringent hygiene requirements, including that all passengers must wear face masks.
  • The range of goods that may be sold will be extended to incorporate certain additional categories and items such as Hardware supplies, winter clothes, heating and other industry related items which can be purchased.
  • E-services have also been expanded.
  • A curfew is in effect from 8pm till 5am each day.

Update from YEI member

One of the biggest changes for Seniors is that according to the Government Gazette regulations tabled on 29 April 2020, staff who provide care to sick and elderly may return to work.

Level 4 legislation



24 April 2020


During his address to the nation last night (Thursday, 23 April),  Ramaphosa announced that beyond the end of April, a risk-adjusted strategy would be implemented to ease the current lockdown restrictions.  President Ramaphosa said:  “To ensure that our response to the pandemic can be as precise and targeted as possible, there will be a national level and separate levels for each province, district and metro in the country”.

We are currently in Level 5 which started at midnight on 26 March in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus.  It was expected to end on the 16 April but was extended for a further two weeks until the end of April 2020.  We now move into Level 4 on 1 May 2020.


The Five Levels


  • Level 5 means drastic measures are required to contain the spread of the virus to save lives.
  • Level 4 means some activity can be allowed to resume, subject to extreme precautions required to limit community transmission and outbreaks.
  • Level 3 involves the easing of some restrictions, including on work and social activities, to address a high risk of transmission.
  • Level 2 involves the further easing of restrictions, but the maintenance of physical distancing and restrictions on some leisure and social activities to prevent a resurgence of the virus.
  • Level 1 means most normal activity can resume, with precautions and health guidelines followed at all times.

“The National Coronavirus Command Council will determine the alert level based on an assessment of the infection rate and the capacity of our health system to provide care to those who need it.”


As of 1 May 2020, the country moves to Level 4, which looks like this:


  • Borders will remain closed to international travel, except for the repatriation of South African nationals and foreign citizens.
  • No travel will be allowed between provinces, except for the transportation of goods and exceptional circumstances such as funerals.
  • All gatherings, apart from funerals and for work, will remain prohibited.
  • Some businesses will be allowed to resume operations under specific conditions. (These sectors are still to be announced.)
  • The public is encouraged to stay at home, other than for essential personal movement, doing essential work and work in sectors that are under controlled openings.
  • The elderly, and those with underlying conditions, must remain at home and take additional precautions to isolate themselves.
  • People can exercise under strict public health conditions. (These conditions have still not been announced.)
  • The sale of cigarettes will be permitted.
  • Public transportation will continue to operate, with limitations on the number of passengers and stringent hygiene requirements, including that all passengers must wear face masks.
  • The range of goods that may be sold will be extended to incorporate certain additional categories. (These must still be detailed by the relevant ministers.)



Restrictions will remain in place, regardless of the level, and for as long as the risk of transmission is present.


These restrictions include:


  • Bars and shebeens will remain closed.
  • Conference and convention centres, entertainment venues, cinemas, theatres, and concerts will remain closed.
  • Concerts, sporting events, and religious, cultural and social gatherings will not be allowed until it is deemed safe for them to continue.

Basically, we all need to take personal responsibility as it is up to us and our own actions as individuals, which will determine how quickly the virus spreads.   

Ramaphosa added “If we all adhere to instructions and follow public health guidelines, we will keep the virus under control and we will not need to reinstate the most drastic restrictions,” he said.


Summary of alert levels




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Relevant articles:


How to reduce your risk of catching the COVID-19 virus while shopping

Time for seniors to mask up

Why it’s still important to get your flu vaccine during the COVID-19 outbreak

How seniors can cope with coronavirus anxiety


  • Tanya says:

    Why do they need to stop selling cooked meals and chicken at woolworths? the elderly, like my grandparents of 80+ have been buying regulary and now not allowed to? if no cooked meals for them to buy surely family members are allowed to drop food off foe them??

  • Dehlia says:

    Why cant i go visit my 5month old grand child she only lives around the corner surely thats is safer than going to checkers or any shop for that matter

    • Ananda says:

      I agree, we are allowed to shop with a bunch of strangers but not allowed to visit our families who is also in isolation.

  • Theada Suzette Joema says:

    where can I receive support for food parcel and donation

  • Michele Brett says:

    Is the whole country going into level 4 including all provinces

    • Angela Watkins says:

      As far as we know all provinces will go down to Level4 with levels being adjusted individually from then on. Regards YEI

  • Denise Stainton says:

    As an 81yr old pensioner , with nothing to do..can’t the Law be lifted for us…to be able to buy wool…so that we can make scarves, hats and jerseys ….for the coming Winter thanks

    • Angela Watkins says:

      Dear Denise, we do not know of specific shops but we have noticed that certain chain stores are selling wool etc and that now under Level4 that material shops are open but its best to give your local shop a call to find out if they are open and what you can buy. Regards YEI

  • Hazel Phillips says:

    When will be able to hand in our sassa forms had to go last month already in Bothasig

    • Angela Watkins says:

      Dear Loanne, all we can advise is that you contact the SASSA national helpline to enquire about registering for a social grant. The contact details are:
      Telephone: 0800 60 10 11 (toll free) Fax: 012 400 2257 Email:

  • Stephen says:

    I’m in an informal business transporting school children, nothing has been said about schooler transport. How are we catered. No one has said anything about us. I am a breadwinner at 66 years.

  • Loanne Evenwel says:

    I would like to know how I (D.O.B. 30/09/59) can apply for for my pension? I have moved out of the house due to mental and physical abuse. I’m now staying with my son and his family.My son’s salary has been cut by 50% so I would really like to assist him in putting food on the table.Thankyou

    • Angela Watkins says:

      Dear Loanne, all we can advise is that you contact the SASSA national helpline to enquire about registering for a social grant. The contact details are:
      Telephone: 0800 60 10 11 (toll free) Fax: 012 400 2257 Email:

  • Anna Maria Cicelia F says:

    A.Ferreira Can you please tell me when the UIF Offices will reopen.
    AMC Ferreira

  • Lynettedevilliers says:

    I would like to know under what level does garden services, my son in law has his own business, fall. They are fully equipped with the process of clean health, washing hand etc.before the lock down already . They do have masks. They dont get in touch with customers. They do the job and leave. He has about 30 workers who go out in 4 teams.

  • chris adams says:


    • Angela Watkins says:

      Hi Chris, this is the official COVID-19 Update: National Lottery Sales during Lockdown
      The National Lottery Operator, ITHUBA, complies with the regulations put in place by the government and its regulator, the National Lotteries Commission (NLC). As such, ITHUBA has informed all participating retailers (stores) to cease the sale of all National Lottery tickets and validation of winning tickets. ITHUBA continues to urge players to play their favourite National Lottery games on-line on the following platforms:
      National Lottery website –
      Mobile App which is easily downloadable on all smartphones – via the National lottery website and the App Store (iOS).
      On-line banking, namely FNB, Absa, Standard Bank and Nedbank.
      These platforms remain accessible to players during COVID-19 lockdown.
      We are in full support of the government’s efforts to curb the spread of the virus and we will take all steps necessary to safeguard the wellbeing of our players.
      Regards YEI

  • Kenneth Burns says:

    How do get hold of the food parcel that the government is giving to us elderly pensioners I’m staying in Dinwiddie Germiston Johannesburg we are not allowed to go out so how are I’m going to get my food parcel I’m the only one that receive a monthly pension we cannot get through the month my daughter the only one that worked her company is also in lockdown struggling we are really now please i need help desperately thank you that this message will end up somewhere that can help me God bless.

    • Angela Watkins says:

      Dear Kenneth, as far as we understand the legislation, if you are currently receiving any aid form the government as in SASSA or UIF then you are not eligible for food parcels. But its best to contact your local ward councillor to get further clarity. YEI

  • Louis De jager says:

    Think they must rethink the age.
    Normal pesion time is 65,why must persons over 60 be stopped to earn a living.
    How will this persons sutvive and pay their bills?
    Surely half of the government is over 60,so send them home without an income as well.
    Really think this is undemocratic to active working persons over 60

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