We speak about embracing ageing and how to include joy and inspiration in your life’s purpose. Our guest, Liz Grantham, the Founder of “The Optimal Me unpacks the topic of “Over 50. Not over the hill”. You will pick up many golden nuggets about how to feel younger, stay active, independent and energetic without pain or injury, and feel confident that this phase of life is your best yet.
- What an enthusiastic speaker! It all boils down to diet and exercise. What a great show.
- Excellent talk today. So many relevant and important points were made. Thank you.
- Many beneficial take-outs from today’s conversation – get well, stay well, movement, dance and motivate yourself to keep on a healthy path in order to live life well
Click here to listen to Episode 14
Show sponsored by Just SA
Contact details for Elizabeth Grantham
The Optimal Me: https://theoptimal.me/
Over 50. Not Over The Hill: https://over50notthehill.com/
Contact details for Just SA
Tel: 087 238 2690
Email: info@justsa.co.za
Just SA: justsa.co.za
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