A sense of belonging, social interaction, longevity
and technology all seem pretty disconnected.
Not so!
50plus-skills looks at how all of these aspects
are actually totally interweaved and connected.
Longevity starts at birth. Over the last 100 years with the increase in medical science, more people are living for longer. On average we are living 30 years longer than people born a century back. The rise of the personal computer and the internet over the last 30 years is changing the way we live, work and connect. How does this impact us today? It means we need to look at the future differently.
50plus-skills is a community that is looking at these trends and helping individuals to navigate what this may mean for you in this season of life. The vision is to help you to learn, serve and earn through connection and collaboration.
You may ask why this is needed? If we are living longer, you may not have saved enough and may need to find ways to earn for longer. Many of the earning opportunities will not come from fulltime employment in this season, but rather entrepreneurial in nature, managed by you or working with a group to produce needs for the market. For each of us this journey is unique. We also need purpose in our lives and living longer means we need to be intentional about this. Technology is a key driver of communication and many applications are being automated daily. This can be a scary place for someone who is not engaged or up to date with these tools and skills.
We also know that for this generation, community, a sense of belonging and meeting face to face are key components for a healthier social life and decreases the chance of isolation. We are never to old to learn something new and when we do this collectively it is fun.
We have workshops, online learning sessions, coffee dialogue and conferences. We share valuable communication, list your skills for possible opportunities and connect our members to our NPO members for volunteering. The strength of our network is firmly in the skills and generous hearts of our members who are open minded and wanting to keep growing and making a difference. A community is organic and dynamic and flows from the communication of the collective group.
We all need to act for ourselves. At the start of this new year, it may be beneficial for you to join the 50plus-skills community and open new opportunities for yourself. There is a cost of R500 for the year and the registration is done online via our website.
Give yourself this gift in 2020 and broaden your knowledge, skill and social circle
while learning having fun and making a difference.
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