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Fight the flu this winter!

The flu vaccine is now in stock
at your nearest Clicks Pharmacy!


Clicks Flu Season


We’ve all heard the myth that the flu vaccine can give you the flu, but it’s simply not true.

According to the World Health Organisation, the injected flu vaccine contains an inactivated virus that cannot give you influenza. If you feel achy or slightly feverish, it is a normal reaction of the immune system to the vaccine, and generally lasts only a day or two. 

The best time to get your flu vaccine is before the flu season sets in. The earlier the better, as it takes 10 to 12 days for your body to develop antibodies to protect you from the flu and build up your immunity.

“Even if you had the flu vaccine last year, it’s essential to get vaccinated every year because flu strains change annually and the World Health Organisation updates the vaccine accordingly to ward off the most virulent influenza strains,” explains Clicks Pharmacist Waheed Abdurahman.

“It’s difficult to predict the severity and length of the flu season in South Africa, but it is important to get the flu shot as soon as the vaccine becomes available to protect you and those around you throughout the entire flu season,” he says.

Unlike a common cold, flu can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in high risk groups such as the elderly, young children, people suffering from diabetes, asthma, and chronic heart, lung or kidney diseases.


Don’t hesitate. Vaccinate.


Anyone can get vaccinated, except babies younger than six months and anyone who already has a fever, has shown a past reaction to a vaccine, or is allergic to eggs.

While the majority of medical aids do cover the cost of the vaccination, some schemes may only cover individuals who might be at high risk for complications. Members of medical schemes can confirm eligibility with their medical aid or speak to a Clicks Pharmacist or Clinic Sister for guidance.

“Prevention is still the best defence against flu. Besides having a flu vaccination, washing your hands frequently, sneezing into tissues, avoiding coming into contact with those affected, and boosting your immune system with supplements and vitamins, such as Echinacea, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Propolis, will aid in your protection,” says Abdurahman.

Visit the Flu super section on the Clicks Health hub for more information on Influenza and how to best navigate the Cold and Flu season.


Flu vaccines are now available at R69.99 cash price
at Clicks Clinics nationwide.


To book an appointment, call 0860 254 257
or visit


Fight the Flu with Clicks
and Feel Good this Winter!


  • Jennifer zgordon says:

    Does Clicks Sable Square or Paddocks or century Cityhavestock of flu injection.?

    • Angela W says:

      Dear Jennifer, you would have to contact the relevant branch as stock levels change regularly. Their details are: Sable square – Shop telephone 1
      021 552 8622, Shop telephone 2 021 552 8552, Shop telephone 3 021 552 8267 and Century city- Shop telephone 1 021 555 1740, Shop telephone 2 021 555 1744,
      Shop telephone 3 021 552 6161. Regards, Angela (YEI team)

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