Tune in to “You’ve Earned It” with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
on Coastal Radio SA during REWIND every Monday at 10:00am.
The show focuses on providing relevant, informative content
along with exclusive offers, deals, and benefits
for individuals aged 60 and above.
Listen live on Coastal Radio SA Stream:
Topic: Golden opportunities: Thriving in senior entrepreneurship
It’s never too late to start a business. Lesley Waterkeyn, Founder and CEO of Over the Rainbow joins us to speak about how to overcome the hurdles of senior entrepreneurship and shares a wealth of information which is hugely beneficial for those wanting to start their own businesses.
- Great interview!
- Such interesting information! Good to know that there is help when one wants to start a business at a later age.
- Starting a business after retirement has always sounded out of reach – this conversation has changed my thinking.
Click here to listen to Episode 11
Show sponsored by Just SA
Contact details for Lesley Waterkeyn
Over the Rainbow – https://overtherainbow.co.za/
A link to Lesley’s next course: https://overtherainbow.co.za/bootcamp-to-boardroom/
Email: lesley@happyfridaycreative.co.za
Contact details for Just SA
Tel: 087 238 2690
Email: info@justsa.co.za
Just SA: justsa.co.za
Topic: You could live to the age of 100. Will your money last?
A fascinating discussion with Bjorn Ladewig, a qualified Actuary who heads up Business Development and Marketing at Just SA. A topic very much on retiree’s minds, given that it is becoming increasingly common for people to live to become centenarians.
- Excellent presentation interview today. Thank you. Listeners will have learnt new concepts today. More and more people need to tune in. I am encouraging groups widely … 👍🏻
- Financial advice is always a good thing. It’s the living to 100 I find scary!!!
- Interesting, hope I don’t live that long but thank goodness for a good financial adviser!
Click here to listen to Episode 10
Show sponsored by Just SA
Contact details for Just SA
Tel: 087 238 2690
Email: info@justsa.co.za
Just SA: justsa.co.za
Coastal Radio/YEI Episodes 8 and 9 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: All you need to know about Life Rights – Parts 1 and 2
Two very informative discussions with Bevan Geyser,
a practising attorney at MDW Cape Town Inc about Life Rights
Click here to listen to Episode 9
Click here to listen to Episode 8
- I am planning to move to a Life Rights village in the next year. This was an extremely informative discussion, which gave me a lot to consider, but I’d love to hear even more discussion about this.
- It was very interesting to hear all about this, but the comparisons in costs when moving into a Life Rights village as opposed to a freestanding, smaller home was quite eye-opening.
- Thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the different worldwide Life Rights models – I’m moving to France!
- Very interesting! It is quite an expensive commitment but you are paying for peace of mind!
- Very interesting. Especially the bit about the French way of doing things.
- Love the fact that more and more retirement villages are allowing pets when one moves in! That certainly will frame my thinking now.
Contact details for Bevan Geyser:
Email: bevan@mdwinc.co.za
Cell: 082 817 0438
Landline: 021 461 0065
MDW INC: https://youve-earned-it.co.za/site/mdw-inc-attorneys
MDW INC: Life Rights assistance for Seniors: https://youve-earned-it.co.za/site/mdw-inc-life-rights-assistance-for-seniors
MDW INC: Your Estate Planning Partner: https://youve-earned-it.co.za/site/mdw-inc-your-estate-planning-partner
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 7 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: Why, as a Military Veteran you should be signing up to SAMVOZA – the South African Military Veterans Organisation of South Africa
A very informative discussion with Godfrey Giles, the Vice Chairman of SAMVOZA and the reasons why all Military Veterans should be signing up to SAMVOZA, and why this will assist in an upcoming court process.
Click here to find out how you can sign up for SAMVOZA membership
- I listened to Godfrey’s discussion on the YEI program this morning and am SO glad that at last there seems to be some action in getting DMV to step up to the mark. I completed 40 years’ services as a Reserve Force officer and have submitted all the required paperwork THREE TIMES, without even a response. I would therefore be very interested in joining your organisation if it can assist. On top of that, I will definitely be passing all of this along through my Regimental Association, where a fair number of veterans would, I am sure, be very interested in the content.
- Some very sad stories. A lot of the homeless people here in the UK are veterans which is very sad.
- Sounds almost like Forgotten Hero’s. This was heart wrenching. YEI – you really are doing amazing work. Let’s hope and pray these military veterans experience better tomorrow’s. Sad, and they served SA, not that they will have wanted to, under an apartheid government. Hard indeed. Well done on your uplifting programme, YEI. ♥
- Interesting topic – my late husband and brother-in-law would have been eligible.
- Didn’t even know this organisation existed – thank you!
Click here to listen to Episode 7
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 6 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: Osteoporosis, the silent disease
A very informative discussion with Tereza Hough, the CEO of the National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa. Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and quality of bones are reduced, leading to weakness of the skeleton and increased risk of fracture, particularly of the spine, wrists, hip, pelvis and upper arms.
Tereza explains why bone loss is gradual and without warning signs until the disease is advanced. It can result in extreme pain and in severe cases even death. Affecting between 4 and 6 million South Africans, Tereza expels the myths and misconceptions about osteoporosis, for example that it is “an old woman’s disease”. In fact, bone loss in women can begin as early as the age of 25. New studies show the prevalence of osteoporosis in men with approximately one in five men affected.
- The discussion was very informative. My daughter has rheumatoid arthritis. What I found interesting as well was that epilepsy medication can also cause osteoporosis. My youngest son is on meds for that. I know that he does take supplements, but will let him know that calcium & vitamin D are very important. He does trainextremely hard, so am sure his bone density is excellent. You are doing wonderful work👏🙏
- Wow! Who knew there were so many risk factors for osteoporosis! Very interesting lady from NOFSA.
- Excellent, well-balanced presentation/discussion. Many people will benefit by listening to this. I don’t think I heard blood calcium measurement mentioned?
- Thank you! Amazing discussion – I’ve just been diagnosed as stage 4
- An EXTREMELY interesting interview today
Contact details for NOFSA – The National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa
Email: info@osteoporosis.org.za, Helpline: 0861 102 265, WhatsApp: 068 491 3543
Click here to listen to Episode 6
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 5 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: Empty Nest Syndrome
A great discussion on Empty Nest Syndrome with three guests. The “Empty Nest” phenomenon is the huge transition in life when children leave home. When the chicks fly the coop, most parents experience a shift in role and identity, but 25% of parents experience a debilitating grief and loss of purpose. This is known as “empty nest syndrome”. Children give you great purpose in life. Letting them go and knowing that you did the best for them you is a gift to them and also yourself.
Comments on show:
- Another excellent production. Thank you. A highlight of each week. Please keep it going!
- Another great show! A very emotive topic we can all relate to. The advice from Stacey the counsellor was excellent!
- A very good radio programme. When I left Germany 35 years ago to come to South Africa, my mother was so upset, she would not take me to the airport!
- Whoop, whoop, great programme!
- Such a good show!
Counsellor Stacey Hart
Tel: 079 494 0541, Email: staceykhart10@gmail.com
Click here to listen to Episode 5
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 4 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: Decluttering to downsize
A fascinating discussion where we speak to Judith Penny, the decluttering queen!
Judith runs an organisation called All Sorted in the Western Cape.
Judith has been running this business for 22 years, 15 of which have completely focussed
on seniors. All Sorted is very much a passion and vocation for Judith.
Downsizing and moving home is up there in the Top Ten of the most stressful things
one can ever do. And with downsizing and moving home comes the dreaded word “decluttering”.
You’d think that getting the keys to a new home would be exciting, but in a recent survey I read,
41% of adults experienced anxiety, 31% experienced sleep deprivation
and 25% of people landed up having arguments with their partner!
- What a brilliant production today. So relevant and timely. “Decluttering & downsizing” – something that many of us are dealing with or at least thinking about daily! My wife also listened attentively and enjoyed it. BTW, she has long been a fan and follower of Marie Kondo (Japanese) who espouses similar/related philosophies. Thanks for a great show
- I listen to this programme every Monday…LOVE IT!!
- Really, really enjoyed this morning’s show on decluttering – something I need to get to.
- Very interesting and, of course, very pertinent as I’m in the middle of decluttering, albeit slowly very slowly!!
- Wish I’d heard this before my “moving on” adventure
- Good show! Loved listening to the hosts and the Queen of decluttering
- Great interview!
Professional organiser: Judith Penny, All Sorted Now
Tel: +27 (0)82 926 3531, Email: judith@allsortednow.co.za
Click here to listen to Episode 4
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 3 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: The Sandwich Generation
A fascinating discussion where we speak to two guests who are supporting ageing parents as well as their children. We talk about the impact on family dynamics, strengthening the intergenerational bond and fostering a sense of unity within the family. We speak about the critical communication that needs to happen between parents and adult children, the preparation for later life with regard to family, dementia and the cons of financial responsibility, caregiving and how to manage the constant juggling act.
- Wonderful interviews/discussion & broadcast.
- I listened to this with my daughter. We are in the same situation, with having my mother and my daughter and her husband all living on the same property. I could so relate especially to the one guest saying that her mother was in her mid 90s, deaf and slow, but her mind still so active. I also related to the intergenerational aspect as I had my granny living with us when I was young!
- Another great programme! Listening to ordinary people’s stories is so interesting! They say true stories are so much better than fiction
- Tuning in from France! I heard your broadcast on the Sandwich generation this morning! Very good and interesting!
- Fantastic programme!
- This morning I listened to the show on home sharing – wow! I loved listening to the well-organised show and the knowledgeable guests. (See Episode 2 below)
- Congratulations on an absolutely outstanding show on Coastal Radio SA today. It was truly moving! What amazing guests and stories you shared
Click here to listen to Episode 3
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 2 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Topic: Seniors homesharing
The pensioner accommodation crisis is a topic that has become a ticking time bomb. We look at the new Seniors home sharing trend which could be one of many solutions to the pensioner accommodation crisis. Our guests today are a landlord who caters for pensioner tenants, and a SASSA pensioner who has found a solution to her accommodation crisis.
Click here to listen to Episode 2
Coastal Radio/YEI Episode 1 on Rewind with Martin Nel and Marilyn Hallett
Martin Nel from Rewind on Coastal Radio speaks to Marilyn Hallett from You’ve Earned It/YEI, about YEI, the history of YEI and interesting topics and pensioner offers that are featured on the YEI platform (website, newsletter and social media)
Click here to listen to Episode 1
The YEI newsletter is packed with relevant, informative articles geared at 60-plussers
PLUS great pensioner savings, discounts, deals and benefits
Good morning.
A friend passed me a link to today’s discussion on military veterans. Sadly, the online sound was very poor here and I missed a great deal of what Godfrey had to say.
It is likely to be relevant to many members of a regimental Association I belong to and I’d like to share the content.
DO you have a podcast link that I could pass on, please?
Dear Will, we have loaded a link on to our website here https://youve-earned-it.co.za/yei-radio/yei-coastal-radio-monday-10am
Send me information please.
Dear Brian, we have loaded a link to the podcast here https://youve-earned-it.co.za/yei-radio/yei-coastal-radio-monday-10am and you can contact SAMVOZA via this link https://youve-earned-it.co.za/site/samvoza-south-african-military-veterans-organisation
The concept of Life Rights in South Africa has been abused by Developpers like Belvedere. The Belvedere debacle has been discussed on two Carte Blabche Episodes. Most of the discontent lies in fact that numerous former Life Right Owners are not paid out when the policy conditions are satisfied. This has lead to many devastated elderly estates and livelihoods. We have spent the last 5 years in litigation against Belvedere for monies they owe us on our Life Rights sale. The underlying Act doesn’t offer the necessary security and collaterisation against the original loan. There are some very honest Practitioners in the life rights industry and some very dishonest ones. The latter have grabbed the recent highlights. A Google search will reveal the extent of this abuse and this is just the tip of the ice berg. Be very careful how you proceed in South Africa as you may bump into Practitioners like Belvedere (Retirewell South Africa) who operate through a protected network of Trusts, are in breech of a number of court orders against them and owe former life right estates millions.
Thank you for your comment, Richard. We agree 100%. One cannot be too careful. Attorneys like Bevan Geyser have the expertise to navigate the complexities of life rights agreements and we would highly recommend that one considers this kind of assistance before signing on the dotted line and certainly conduct a thorough Google search yourself, for peace of mind.