A great conversation today giving us all a clear understanding of why a Financial Planner should become your trusted partner and so much more than a new best friend. Kim Potgieter, an author, a speaker and expert Financial Planner and Director and Head of Life Planning at Chartered Wealth Solutions speaks about why retirement planning and planning in general should be considered a necessity, not a luxury.
- What an extremely thought-provoking conversation! I wish we’d had more of these talks when we were younger….
- Brilliant talk! I am starting to understand why a financial advisor is imperative – and as Kim says “your trusted partner” and as Marilyn says “your new best friend”. Not as Martin says “the guy with the tweed jacket and nicotine-stained fingers” – haha! 😊
- I am recommending this show to all my friends. There is great information coming through on this radio show – thank you!
Click here to listen to Episode 16
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