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Senior Discounts

Fabulous Senior Discounts  and benefits for South African 60-plussers!

You’ve Earned It / YEI is an online retirement lifestyle platform for South African over-60s.   YEI’s primary focus is Senior discounts, savings and benefits for South African baby boomers, seniors, retirees and pensioners.   Enjoy and benefit from the following:

  • YEI has the biggest Directory for seniors in South Africa, featuring great savings and benefits. The savings and benefits sourced and communicated by YEI make a significant and meaningful difference in the lives of seniors.
  • YEI has relevant, informative, interesting and meaningful articles, specific to seniors;
  • YEI is a trusted and invaluable go-to resource for South African baby boomers, seniors, retirees and pensioners

What our clients are saying about You’ve Earned It /YEI

‘It’s one thing that most of our clients have access to the internet, but another that they now have access to a website dedicated to their particular retirement needs. You’ve Earned It has not only brought us closer to the retirement market, providing valuable exposure for Napier Retirement Village, but it has become a trust-worthy and user-friendly resource for many of our residents.’
Lucy Bekker, Marketing Manager, NRV