Senior citizens in retirement often have the freedom of an open calendar – which means travel time! Aim to travel during shoulder season to get the best weather, cheapest prices, and smallest crowds. Pack light and keep your baggage situation simple. If you have a connecting flight, avoid the hassle of transporting your luggage in between flights by checking it. As someone who is doing senior citizen travel, at the airport you can request wheelchairs or transportation by electronic cart for increased mobility and safety. Remember to stay hydrated on long flights and, if possible, to take short walks to keep the energy flowing.
The money you can save on trip timing can help offset the cost of travel insurance, which is absolutely essential for senior citizens on vacation.
Before departure, determine how your medical insurance works abroad—and supplement if it doesn’t. Evacuation insurance is particularly important, as that will cover the cost of transporting you or a loved one to medical care in an emergency. Bring an ample supply of your medications with you, if possible in their original bottles. The information on the bottle labels will make it easier to refill a prescription while away from home. Remember to make note of the generic names of your medications before you leave.