A variety of retirement villages, old age homes, frail care centres and nursing homes in the Western Cape.
YEI Listings
YEI Classifieds
Please note the following regarding the above Listings and Classifieds:
- “Enquiry forms” are included in all YEI Listings. If you have an enquiry or comment, please complete the enquiry form and this will be forwarded timeously to the retirement village/home concerned, for their direct response to you.
- YEI Classifieds – please contact these retirement villages/homes directly in order to find out more.
- The above information provides you with a list of retirement villages/homes available to South African 60-plussers. YEI does not recommend one retirement village/home over any other.
- Please also note that the above is work in progress. YEI will add, amend, revise, delete and/or update information on this page from time to time. YEI is not liable for any outdated information on this page or on the listings’ websites.
- YEI endeavours to keep all information in the YEI Directory up-to-date and current.
- The You’ve Earned It Disclaimer applies to all information on the YEI website.
- The You’ve Earned It Terms and Conditions applies to all information on the YEI website.
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